$ 1-11   = $
$12-20  = $$
$21-30  = $$$
$31-40  = $$$$
$41+up = $$$$$

POI = Point of Interest (places)
Ind = Independent
NF = National Forest
SF = State Forest
SP = State Park
CP = County or City Park
CR = County Road
FR = Forest Road or Route
BLM = Bureau of Land Management
GSC = Good Sam Club
ESC = Escapees
PA-AM = Passport America
E Lodge = Elk Lodge
mi = miles
ft = feet
mm = mile marker
LP/LPG = Propane
FH = Full Hookups
EH = Electric Hookups
EWH = Electric Water Hookups
NOP = No Overnight Parking
ONP = Overnight Parking
EB = Eastbound
WB = Westbound
NB = Northbound
SB = Southbound
cfg = campfire/grill
cold camp = no fires
elev = elevation in feet
amenity number like 8800 = elevation
p sites, primitive = undeveloped camp
dry camp / boondock = no hookups or services of any kind
Category symbols:
(C) = Camping
(R) = Rest Areas
(S) = Stores/Supplies
(TS) = Truck stop