Campground Directions:
From Squamish, drive North on HWY 99. Turn LEFT at the Alice Lake Park turn off-a sign on the left side of the HWY says Paradise Valley campgroud at the junction as well. Stay on this road for several kms, over the train tracks, and then over a bridge which spans the Cheakamus river. The road will fork, stay left, the other road leads into Paradise valley. Stay on the left fork for several kms. The pavement will end at an open gate. Continue on the dirt road for less than 1km, and turn left, over the first bridge you see spanning the Squamish River. The site is located immediately after the bridge on the right side.
Campground Details:
free, 10 sites, All ages, Tents, 129 ft elev, tables, toilets, beach, fish, Primitive toilets (C)
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