Campground Address:
Shawnee NF, Wolf Lake IL 62998
Campground Directions:
From Jonesboro take Illinois 146 west to Route 127 north. Go north three mi to the State Forest blacktop road. Turn west and travel 9 mi to FR236 or Pine Hills road. The camground is .07 mi north on Pine Hills road. To access PHCG from Illinois Route 3, turn onto the State Forest blacktop at the south edge of Wolf Lake. Travel east approx. 1 mile to the Pine Hills Road, FR236. Turn north onto FR236 and travel .07 mi to the campground.
Campground Details:
$, 13 sites, Mar 15-Dec 15, All ages, Tents, 600 ft elev, tables, grill, toilets, trail, hike, no res, (C)
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