Campground Address:
Ashley NF, Manila UT
Campground Directions:
From Vernal UT, take US Highway 191 north 45 miles. Cross the Flaming Gorge Dam and turn right on road leading to upper launch site at Spillway Boat Ramp. A second launch is 7 miles down the river at Little Hole Boat Ramp. Cross the dam and continue to the town of Dutch John. Turn rightoff Highway 191 and go east on Forest Road 075 about 6 miles. The site is 10.5 miles below Spillway and 3.3 miles below Little Hole. From Rock Springs, WY, take US Highway 191 south 63 miles. Just before crossing the dam,turn left on the road to Spillway. A second launch site is down the river at Little Hole. At the town of Dutch John, turn left off Highway 191 and go east on Forest Road 075 about 6 miles. The site is 10.5 miles below Spillway, and 3.3 miles below Little Hole.
Campground Details:
, 1 sites, All Year, No RVs, All ages, Tents Only Camp, 5500 ft elev, tables, grill, toilets, fish, trail, hike, boat-in sites, hike-in sites, (C)
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