Campground Address:
Medicine Bow NF, Laramie WY 82070
Campground Directions:
From Laramie, take WY 130 west 21.7 mi to WY 11. Turn left and go 13 mi to Albany. From Albany, take FR 500 2.8 mi to Keystone sign at FR 542. Continue west, first on FR 511, then on FR 512 (same Rd) for about 12 mi. These two campgrounds are right next to each other. If you have four wheel drive you can travel southeast of Encampment about 16 mi on WY 230 and then east on FR 3423 about 4 mi.
Campground Details:
free, 8 sites, Jun-Sep, All ages, Tents, 16 ft max RV length, 7476 ft elev, fish, trail, hike, (C)
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