Campground Address:
Cranberry Rd, South Carver MA 02330
Campground Directions:
From Cape Cod, take Rte 3 N to Ex 3. Turn L at end of ramp, go .5 mi. Turn R onto Long Pond Rd and go 3 mi on Long Pond Rd to park. From Route 495, Ex 2 to Rte 58. Follow 58 N. Turn R onto Cranbettry Rd and go park at end. From Boston, take Rte 3 S to Ex 5. Turn R off ramp onto Long Pond Rd. Go 3.75 mi on Long Pond Rd to park.
Campground Details:
$$$$$, 223 sites, late May-early Oct, All ages, Tents, 30 ft max RV length, 110 ft elev, tables, grill, water, toilets, showers, fish, trail, hike, horses (C)
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