Campground Directions:
Shorter but easier road, From the north and Hwy 60, 9 mi east of Quemado, go south on Catroal CR A095 (crosses private land) for 6.4 mi and then on CR 214 and keeping heading south through some slight turns, continue on FS 4022. Take a slight right and head south on Mangas Rd and go 4.9 mi. Rough route: From the south and Hwy 12, Turn N off Hwy 12 and 7.7 mi on SR 93, turn R onto 93 and go 1.7 mi, look for pull off
Campground Details:
free, All year, All ages, 20 ft max RV length, 8100 ft elev, trail, hike, horses (C)
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