Features > General > Closing Sams Club Stores
Seems rather sudden for Walmart to close more than 60 Sam's Club stores, many without notice at all, but I am just noting this since it will take me a little bit to sort them out and update the AllStays data.
For many years, I was adding dozens of Walmart/Sams Club stores each month. New stores opened almost every week of the year. Hundreds of stores a year. 2018 looks like it will be the third negative year in a row where I remove more locations than add. As far as "clubs" go, for whatever reason, Costco numbers are way up in 2017 while SC was not.
On a personal note, I remember many many years ago showing up for work at a company to find closed and locked doors. It isn't much fun to be surprised like that. In my case of sudden unemployment, it launched my first attempt at starting my own company. That failed with lessons learned and I would have one more real "job" after that before starting to work on AllStays in 1999.
List of more than 60 closing storesAdam | Jan 12, 2018 | Category: General