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Features > Gun Laws and Travel > Indiana Gun Laws and Travel Guide

Indiana Gun Laws and Travel Guide

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Indiana is gun friendly. If you are traveling from state to state and carrying, you need to know the situation in each state you are entering or you could get into trouble. For certain states or if you have any doubt at all, keeping moving through the state (reference the McClure-Volkmer Act to only stop for gas and emergencies) towards your final destination state. Your destination state must have acceptable laws for your stay. We make some generalities with our color map here for ease of use so you should always look up the current details of the laws. Handgun laws are where it usually varies the most. This is a controversial issue but which ever side you are on, it is better to have informed people out there. You can also download an easy to print new 2013 version with all states and details.

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Indiana Gun Law Travel Guide Basics

as-gre Ownership: unrestricted, no permit or license necessary

as-gre Consistency of laws: uniform under state law but some local laws are grandfathered in

as-gre Self-defense: castle doctrine and stand your ground law

Friendly Law Icon Open carry: need permit

as-gre Concealed carry: shall issue state, other state permits accepted

Friendly Law Icon Vehicle carry handguns: unloaded and cased in trunk or outside storage unless you have a permit

as-gre Vehicle carry long guns: loaded but secured in cases anywhere in vehicle

Official source information
Indiana Code 35-47-2
Indiana Legislature
Indiana Firearm Provisions
Indiana Statutes
State Firearms Association
Indiana State Home Page

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Adam | Jan 5, 2009 | Category: Security

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