Features > General > Losing Great Overnight...
We have lost a few great overnight RV parking spots in the last couple of weeks due to people acting like they were camping instead of parking. People stayed too long, put out chairs, left trash, etc. An example is the Savannah Georgia Visitor Center. The only place close to this historic downtown. They charged a fee but at least provided a convenient paved lot to park overnight and visit the town. They first tried raising the parking fee but that didn't help discourage irresponsible behavior. Now we have lost it completely. It changed to day use only. The parking lot is cleared or towed at 6:30pm every night.
The trend is growing and happening far too often. Is it the influx of new RV travelers? Is it the increase in RV rental services out there that leads to people who are not informed and do not know any better? Or more people that simply do not care?
The end result is that we are losing far more locations than are opening. I remove at least three places for every one that I add lately. And we have more people out there.
Staff | March 6, 2018 | Category: General