Haunted Hotels > The Notchland Inn
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There is a grave headstone in the front parlor! It says "1778. Nancy Barton. Died in a snowstorm in pursuit of her faithless lover." On one border of the property flows the Nancy Brook. It flows from Nancy Pond atop Nancy Mountain. All of these were named after Nancy Barton, who die die in a snowstorm. This story is documented many times in histories of the region.
Nancy was betrothed, but her husband-to-be ran off with her dowry. Nancy, knowing the route he usually took on trips to Portland and Boston, followed him on foot. The feckless gentleman often made a camp where this inn now stands. Nancy found that he had made a stop here but had already moved on. Nancy may have been tired and slept for awhile or for some other reason got caught in a snowstorm at this spot. Friends found her frozen body lying next to the brook that now carries her name.
At the inn: One couple took a nap in mid-afternoon, and when they awoke the name "Abigail" was written in the steam on the mirror in their bathroom. No one had used the bath in that room for several hours!
Another guest, the husband of a couple who had stayed here several times, woke up after an afternoon nap and noticed that someone (his wife supposedly) had brought fresh flowers into the room while he was napping. He reports that he went into the bathroom and someone had written "Happy Anniversary" on the mirror in lipstick. He went back into the bedroom, but the flowers were gone. He turned back into the bathroom, and the writing on the mirror had disappeared!
Other guests say they have felt a presence in their room. They have been friendly as there have never been any unpleasant paranormal experiences at the Notchland Inn.