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More Road Guides and Locators
The main section of locators here also includes: Fast food and sit down restaurants, fuel, rest areas, service centers, truck stops and much more. It all stems from my own RV travels and frustrations with finding stuff on the road.
Featured Apps
Camp & RV
The number one camping app for iPhones and iPads. From resorts to hike-in spots. Amenities, maps, truck stops, rest areas, Wal-mart and casino parking, RV dealers, sporting goods stores and much more.
Truck and Travel
The number one trucker app for iPhone and iPads. If you drive a big rig, you need this app. If you just drive on road trips in a car and prefer making your stops count, you'll love this app. Amenities, maps, truck stops, rest areas, Wal-mart, truck dealers, clean outs and much more. Two modes: one uses GPS and maps that you can filter. One is an offline manual lookup mode for when you don't have service.
Why list store locations?
They do not support us and we do not endorse or support any particular food store but we love most of them any way. Many times when we travel, we look up the destination areas for good food stores. Why eat poorly when you can eat the best. Where can we re-stock on our favorite snacks or ogranic produce for the road? Where are the
Trader Joes,
Whole Foods, and the Co-ops in the area? That takes a lot of time and visits to many websites. Did you know that Trader Joes and Whole Foods are near the same intersection in Santa Fe, NM? You can see that here. Why not put them in one place with maps and satellite views? So thats what we did. We hope it helps you eat better while traveling.
Washing in Saltwater
Environmentally Friendly Soaps
Avoid Phosphate Soaps
Washing Dishes without soa